Sunday, September 5, 2010

Something Beautiful

I cannot believe how quick summer turned to fall. Lazy days of summer are replaced with preparing for a long cold winter. Between the two seasons is a special time. A time of change. A time to reflect. The nights are already cold enough to have the heat on inside. Tonight, the last cookout of summer! The chilly night air will be warmed by a blazing fire. Reflecting the colors that are already showing up in the trees as they change. It's time for a change. The trees do not care if you like the color they turn. They do it because it's who they are. I long to be ME, to show my colors to everyone. Some will like them some will not, I will, however, be true to ME. It's MY season!

Something Beautiful
© H. Sokolova
Watching the last of these days disappear
feeling the air get colder
seeing the world get darker.
Memories of lying on the grass
of the sun warming my closed eyes.

Now, the warmth is gone
the sunshine is gone
the world has turned into something new
something colder, something darker
something different,

something Beautiful.